I've got to make a living somehow, and since I chose to work from my computer in a digital world, I really don't have a 9-5 sort of scenario. My sister and her fiance =^) laugh that my computer is usually around me. They goto sleep around 11, have no clue when I fall asleep, wake up at 5am to me sleeping, and come home to me back on the computer.

I do put in almost a full 8 hr day into writing this and the other blogs and websites that I maintain all to keep food in my mouth, and more importantly, as she claims, a bone in Misha's Mouth. I have always been a night-owl, so the wee-morning hours do not affect me too much. I seem to get more done in the dead of the night. It's just more quiet.

Here is how I plan on diversifying my Vagabond Online Income through Blogging

Tales of a Vagabond Blog

Clean and Green Living

Vagabond Travel Photos

My Adventures in Internet Marketing


  1. Rich // May 28, 2009 at 5:54 PM  

    But it's soooo hard