The word vagabond, as defined by WikiPedia (person):
A vagabond is an itinerant person. Such people may be called drifters, tramps, rogues, or hobos. A vagabond is characterized by almost continuous traveling, lacking a fixed home, temporary abode, or permanent residence. Vagabonds are not bums, as bums are not known for traveling, preferring to stay in one location.
I feel that I can relate to this very well. J.R.R. Tolkien described what I and others that have been bitten by the incurable travel bug feel.
When I travel, I want to travel to smell the scent of each destination. I want to soak it all in, so I can be there forever almost, as certain events in my life remind me of things I heard, saw, or thought while I was traveling. Anytime I see a documentary of the Amazon Jungle, and hear a Screaming Piha, I am almost immediately taken there in my mind. From there I can drift over to the top of Jordan Falls and relax on the the ledge where I spend hours just watching the clouds roll by, listening to White Bell Birds. Click to Listen to other bird sounds from Guyana. Travel for me has become an integral part of my life. To not have an ordinary home, and live a life of perpetual travel, only makes your home where you are for that moment in time.
The greatest feeling I get when I travel, is to know that i am being as sustainable as I can be. My waste is reduced, as well as my consumption. I am aware of my belongings and what impact they have. There is also a feeling of independancy. If I do not help myself to survive, then I shall perish, and only have myself to blame. Travel opens your eyes to a world that has always been in front of you. The first time I backpacked Europe solo, I came home to explore Boston for what felt like the first time, even though I had been there for 24 years.
To me, to be a Vagabond, means to be free. To only deal with your current surroundings as they happen. To enjoy life as life was intended to be, for each and every moment.
Know just how you feel shorty/now you know how and why