One of the biggest questions I get asked is "How do you get internet?" Until today, I have been using a Sprint AirCard that basically gets me broadband speeds from anywhere in the country. Even when I had no phone reception, my aircard worked wonders and delivered web-pages to my fingertips. That leads me to....

Wednesday Worries

This was supposed to be Wednesday Wishes... awwww. how cute. But I guess Sprint didn't like my lackadaisical bill-paying methods and shut me off. Phone and internet. ... But Sean...if you have no lines of communication, how the hell did you post this? Well my friends, I have spent my entire career for the past 15 years as a computer technician. When the movie Hackers
came out, I was mad that they "gave away" all our 3l33T secrets. Blue Boxes, Black boxes, wardialing, default passwords...yes, I watched it recently.

Here is my current "office" I setup to "gain" internet access to send texts to friends through SMS for free using These texts were sent as notification, as well as a plea for payment for $$ owed in some cases.

My wireless antenna propped on a Baking sheet on the roof.

I can connect to 1 open AP from here. Yes, I realize that this is not 100% on the legit side, but after I am fully restored, the owners of the AP(s) in question will receive a visit, and an offer for computer services to rid themselves of "Hackers" like myself. Wardriving to gain a customer base, it really DOES work.


Any help to pay my phone bill would be appreciated.


  1. Morgan // May 14, 2009 at 9:21 AM  

    Unfortunately, I'm broke (traveling) as well otherwise I'd offer a small donation. But either way very cool post on stuff I apparently need to learn more about.

  2. cindy // May 14, 2009 at 5:14 PM  

    i'm loving the redneck internet connection...looks like you got the craftiness from your MOM