My dog has pimples. They form around her top lips, and they are HUGE and nasty. She has had them for as long as I've known her, but last summer when we stayed in Alabama, they miraculously cleared up and went away. I was pleased that she didn't have to be bothered with them, or me trying to rid her of them; only to return to Massachusetts, and have them come back full-force. Of course, now that we are again out of that state, her acne has cleared up again. Her pimples were gone in a week! No diet change, or anything else to signal the cause. I think she is as allergic to MA as I have decided I am. Speaking of allergies, I lasted 25 years of my life before seasonal allergies were a part of my life. I have been floored this week with a runny, stuffy nose. It's either the allergies, or Jurassic Park gave me Iguana Flu from sneezing on me in the night. Let's hope for the allergies since I don't know how well I would deal with scales, and spines on my back.


  1. cindy // May 16, 2009 at 10:47 PM  

    LOVE READING THE BLOGS..look forward to the next days blog..must be the clean mountain air your breathing have this pic of colored scales,spines & dreads

  2. Morgan // May 17, 2009 at 5:13 AM  

    Increased sunlight will open up a person's (or a dog's) pores which will allow the acne to go away on its own. The increased exposure of the summer sun in the south is probably what helped.

  3. Grampy // May 18, 2009 at 2:48 AM  

    The problem for the dog can be solved. Look at the places he hangs out at. Is there mold or some other toxin around. It could also cause allergy type symptoms in humans.
    Nice Blog

  4. Claw Machines // May 18, 2009 at 10:22 PM  

    what is Vagabond mean to you?

  5. Vagabond Sean // May 19, 2009 at 11:03 AM  
  6. Vagabond Sean // May 19, 2009 at 11:11 AM  

    Some good things to think about with the acne situation. Misha says Thank You.

    Be Acne Free in 3 Days