As usual, my procrastination got the best of me. An 8pm leave time turned into 4am, and came to actuality at 7am. After packing the last bits of my life & the aminals into the bus, we were off. 10 miles from my house I switched on the veggie fuel, and the bus started chugging. Forgot to turn on the booster pump...back to diesel, then back to veg. with the pump operating. BAD NEWS!! something goofed up, and I sat on the side of the highway, 10 mins from my house with a bus that wouldnt start. AAA was more than happy to help, as was my father who drives a truk for a living. AAA's suggestion was to get it towed for $500. Needless to say, in my totally freaking out state, I called my sister, who I HAD to be at her house in VA by 5pm, to say.,.."I just can't do it...I've tried 3X already." As she says 'Hello', I give the bus ignition another go....vrooOOOM!! We were off to hit the pavement. The fuel filter seems to be bad. 55gallons of diesl later, we were in Virginia. It was really upsetting to not be running veggie oil, but I couldnt take the chance of being on the side of the highway again.
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