I posted this onto Craigslist the other day, and now I'm posting it here.


I am currently in Fauquier County, Virginia in my travels around the USA in a School bus converted to be an RV with a Waste Vegetable Oil Conversion, and Solar Power for all the electronic goodies.

Traveling alone can be boring sometimes, so I am opening the doors of the Skoolie Bus for up to 4 new friends.
I run a website at ~~ http://TalesofaVagabond.com ~~ that documents most of my travels around the world, and currently, in this bus.

I am looking for fun, friendly, open-minded people to travel the United States in my Skoolie.

Requirements from you:
Over 18 years old
Drug/Conviction/Alcohol Free (minor and occasional use acceptable)
Able to travel across state lines
Able to live in a small space with other people
MUST be Dog Friendly and non-allergic
Able to use a computer
Fun, interesting, and Friendly personality
Have no problems leaving jobs/relationships/family/ etc...
Valid US Drivers License with fairly clean driving record.

I currently have no planned destinations or set itinerary other than to travel west and find a warmer winter climate, and like to plan as I go, so you have the opportunity to be the co-pilot and have a say as a decision maker.

I will be charging 'rent' of $100 (yes...ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS per Month) to ride in the bus to ensure that insurance and repairs can be made. I make an income entirely from the internet, and can show you how to do it easily.

Please send me an e-mail at BusCrew@Talesofavagabond.com with an introduction of yourself, and 3 reasons why you should ride on the bus with me.

Thanks. I look forward to meeting my new traveling friends.

Vagabond Sean



  1. Sharkbytes // November 1, 2009 at 6:33 AM  

    Aw... we used to have a big blue bus too. Not converted to run on anything other than gas, but it was really cool (and really big).