So my little jaunt to my dad's farm my Boston (a 1300 mile drive) has turned into quite the 3500 mile Expedition of the East Coast of the United States. I cannot complain, as I enjoy driving through the States. I love to watch them change and become starkly different as you cross borders. Each state is almost like it's own little country, with a Schengen Policy, like most of the EU. I have said for a while, that I would like to see the states split up and govern themselves without the almighty Big Brother watching over them, dictating what medical supplies they cannot have, despite what state/local laws suggest. Living in Massachusetts, I have seen New Hampshire license plates my whole life, and really have grown found of their state motto to 'Live Free or Die". The only thing that i can add to that is to 'LET OTHERS Live Free or Die". ...Good for the Goose, Good for the Gander.

Alrighty Stan, here's the plan:
I will be leaving here with a U-Haul trailer stuffed full of my life's collections, and head south to Virginia to spend the night at my sisters'; then it's further on down the line to Alabama where I can rest my feet (while busting my hump bailing hay, amongst other farm duties which you will hear about here) for a week before heading to Cape Canaveral to see the Space Shuttle Launch. I have not seen one, and have been a secretive space junkie for most of my life. It all started from playing with Ham radios and listening to the Russian MIR Space Station fly overhead. I know I was not alone in this hysteria. =^) From Cape Canaveral, I will be stopping off at the Happiest Place on Earth to catch a bite to eat in Downtown Disney; before ending the night in St. Petersburg to stay with my friend Kiesta (it's a long story...but he's the ass we all like), who I haven't seen in a year since he moved down there. At the weeks end, it's back into the 4-wheeled box for another day-long hike to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, where I will be spending a few nights camping with my lonesomeness, and watching the incredible Synchronized LightBugs perform their magical show before heading west to Bonnaroo 2008, where I will be a During-Festival Volunteer from June 10-15. That's not the end yet, although this is starting to read like a Vacation package from the Showcase Showdown from The Price is Right. I will NOT be packing up my gear when the festival is over, however, as I will be staying and doing my part in helping Clean Vibes clean the mess that people will be leaving on the nice people's 700 acre farm in Manchester, TN.

That is where the plan starts to go back into the hazy mystery of, 'we ARE going to leave this country aren't we?' I leave it up to chance after the cleanup effort of Post-Bonnaroo 2008. Maybe I will find a human-travel-companion for the 8-hr flight to Amsterdam....maybe it will just be another one of my 'throw-away' friends that sticks with me for a week....maybe I venture off as I came, with myself, Passerpartout (my parrot companions' new name, ala Jules Verne's Around the World in 80 Days ... pronounced 'pass-pa-too') and my backpack. We will all have to wait in suspense to see what tales will come from this vagabond.

Live Globally, Work Digitally
Tales Of A Vagabond